Thanks for your posting.
I understand that you encounter the "The token supplied to the function is
invalid." ID #80090308 error when you trying to open a public folder. If
I'm out of base, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I understand that KB 324345 did not solve the issue and I recommend you to
try iisreset command in the CMD prompt and check it again.
This issue can be caused if the HTTP keep-alive setting is not checked on
the virtual web site that hosts the exadmin virtual directory. Please
follow these steps to check it as well.
1. Right click on the Virtual Web site that hosts the 'exadmin' virtual
directory and click Properties.
2. On the Web Site tab, make sure to check the "HTTP Keep-alives Enabled"
3. Click OK.
4. Run iisreset in the CMD prompt.
You can also try:
1. Remove the cert from the default web site.
2. Rerun the CEICW using the desired FQDN name to recreate the certificate.
[Note] make no changes to anything else but the certificate.
If the issue still occurs, please remove SSL from the Exadmin virtual root
in IIS. To do so:
a). Click Start, point to Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then
click Internet Services Manager.
b). Click your server, and then expand the Web site that contains the
Exadmin virtual root (the default Web site is "Default Web Site").
c). Right-click Exadmin, and then click Properties.
d). Click the Directory Security tab.
e). Under Secure Communications, click Edit.
f). Click to clear the "Require secure channel (SSL)" check box. If
"Require 128-bit encryption" is shaded, click to select "Require secure
channel (SSL)", click to clear "Require 128-bit encryption", and then click
to clear the "Require secure channel (SSL)" check box again.
g). Click OK two times.
h). Restart Exchange System Manager.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know.
It's my pleasure to be of assistance.
Best regards,
Jerry Zhao (MSFT)
Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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